Showing Collections: 501 - 510 of 605
Record Group
Identifier: RG-40/19
Record Keeping: 1950-2011
Identifier: exws-sisterjanepatriciafreeland
Scope and Contents
The collection documents the academic work and education of Sister Jane P. Freeland, who was a nun, lover of music, and a medieval scholar recognized worldwide as the translator of medieval religious works never before available in English. The vast majority of the items are drafts of her translations and notebooks full of her jottings. She particularly loved medieval songs and hymns of Abelard.The collections also contains personal material including correspondence with her home...
approximately 1970s-2010s
Identifier: RH-A-3476
Scope and Contents
This collection contains the records of SmartShop Metal Arts Center, which operated from 2002 until its closing in 2010. Records of SmartShop Metal Arts Center (SMAC), also called SmartShop Metal Arts Collective include handwritten notes; receipts; Articles of Incorporation, 2004, 2008; by-laws, 2008; board records; contracts; and information on fundraisers.
Majority of material found within 2002-2010
Scope and Contents
This collection is comprised of one roster of attendees at the 6th Annual Soldiers and Sailors of Southwestern Michigan Reunion held in Battle Creek, MI August 19-22, 1884 belonging to A.W. Cummings of Paw Paw, MI, one roster of attendees at the 7th Annual Soldiers and Sailors Reunion held in Benton Harbor, MI August 18-21, 1885 belonging to Harold D. Spicer, and two sets of handwritten notes listing Kalamazoo County soldiers in attendance for both reunions.
Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: RH-A-4399
The collection is composed of one booklet containing the scores and lyrics for several different Civil War era patriotic songs circa 1890, published by Redington, Syracuse New York.
Publication: Approximately 1890
Identifier: RH-A-3340
Scope and Contents
Michigan State University,a land grant educational institution established in 1855, began in 1907 to send experts across Michigan sharing information with farmers, their wives and children about crops, home management and programs like 4-H.This program became more formal in 1914 with the national Smith-Lever Act.The Extension services were coordinated through the various counties across the State.The South Burdick Extension Club would have been one of the services that Michigan State...
Identifier: RH-A-3658
Scope and Contents
White Gold in Cookery consists of menus, recipes, and suggestions “designed for greater economy in the food budget, simplified cooking, and more abundant family health.” The booklet/calendar served as an advertisement for the South Haven Dairy.The first two pages of the booklet list the benefits of milk and suggested foods that should be included in daily meals. Each month of the calendar includes meal suggestions and recipes and sayings espousing the benefits of milk and dairy...
Item — Folder: 1 of 1
Identifier: RH-A-4359
Scope and Contents
This collection is comprised of one horizontally folded program for the graduation ceremony (called “promotional exercises”) of the eighth-grade class at South Haven Public School, held on June 12, 1895, in South Haven, Michigan.A decent number of graduates relative to the time and place are listed, with 31 names given. Ceremony events included mostly speeches with some music breaks in between. Most of the speeches seem to have been given by the graduates themselves. It is...
June 12, 1895
Identifier: RH-A-3726
Scope and Contents
This collection contains a ledger from the South Side Club. Many pages of the ledger were left blank. A few meeting notes were taken, but after that the pages which are used mostly deal with bonds, stocks, and interest on bank accounts. There are also some pages which show liberty bonds bought by the club. These account information ends with 1924. The club had accounts with the Kalamazoo City Savings Bank.
Identifier: RH-A-3740
Scope and Contents
The collection is composed of records from the Southwest Michigan Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. The records date from 1953 to 2013.
Majority of material found within 1953-2013