Showing Collections: 471 - 480 of 592
Identifier: RH-A-3954
Scope and Contents
This collection contains the diary of Robert Nielsen between the years of 1942 and 1946, recording his everyday life and routine during his time in high school. This routine included attending school during the week, and playing around and attending Sunday School on the weekends. This diary provided a record of the activities Robert did, giving insight on what growing up in the 1940s was like, rather than his thoughts or feelings about his life.
Majority of material found within 1942-1946
Identifier: RH-A-4252
Scope and Contents
This collection is composed of a scrapbook of Robert Tefler in his senior year of high school at Richland High School in 1938. The scrapebook contains loose material like newspaper clippings of basketball box scores as Robert played basketball for Richland High School, black and white photographs of Robert Tefler, and autographs from other classmates.
Identifier: RH-A-4367
Scope and Contents
This collection is comprised of educational and business material dating from 1930 to 1941, owned by Robert Van Blarcom, who lived in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Most of the materials included in this collection consist of memorabilia from Robert Van Blarcom’s education. Van Blarcom attended Kalamazoo Public High School and Western State Teachers College (now Western Michigan University). The ledgers were made before Van Blarcom joined the company, and they list daily expenses and...
Identifier: RH-A-3542
Scope and Contents
The scrapbook contains a large number of newspaper clippings relating to social welfare, local, regional, and national political events, myriad open letters printed in the News-Palladium (today the Herald-Palladium), and personal letters relating to his political career and service as postmaster in Benton Harbor. The letters and pamphlets relate to speeches given or attended by Roman Jarvis.
Identifier: RH-A-4344
Scope and Contents
The collection is composed of photographs, price lists, logos, employee records, sales brochures, and other business-related material from the Root Spring Scraper Company located in Kalamazoo Michigan from 1891-2022.These photographs show various parts sold by the company, vehicles with parts attached, people photographed with the vehicles, shots of the snow and vehicles in the snow. These photos show various viewpoints of Kalamazoo area and the Root Spring Scraper Company team....
Identifier: RH-A-3644
This collection contains letters from mostly 1945 within the Rosel family. These letters are mostly between Dale Rosel and his wife Helen.
Identifier: RH-A-4040
Scope and Contents
Ruth Genevieve Van Horn Zuckerman was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan on November 7, 1900 to Samuel H. Van Horn (1875-1938) and Laura J. (Mills) Van Horn (1880-1967). As a young adult, Ruth attended Western Michigan College (1918-1921) and the University of Michigan (1921-1922) to receive a B.A. in English. Continuing her studies, she returned to the University of Michigan (1925-1926) and also attended Columbia University (Summer 1935, Fall 1936-1967) to receive a M.A. in English with a minor in...
Identifier: RH-A-4356
Scope and Contents
This collection is composed of material from the Schoolcraft Prairie Extension Club, based in Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo County, Michigan from 1927 to 1993. The collection contains 11 folders of newspaper clippings ranging from 1935-1993. It is unknown what publications the clippings came from, but they were originally compiled in scrapbooks created by the club. Other material within the collection pertains to the club’s history, community involvement, events, and activities. Photos, newspaper...
Identifier: RH-A-3548
Scope and Contents
This collection contains a 1911-1912 program, describing the scheduled activities and by-laws of the Kalamazoo Schubert Musical Club. The Kalamazoo Schubert Musical Club was an active fixture in the early twentieth-century Kalamazoo music scene, particularly during 1911-1912. The object of the Schubert Musical Club, as stated in their by-laws, was the, "encouragement of study and the stimulation of a general interest in music," a goal which the organization certainly excelled at during its...
Identifier: RH-A-4142
Scope and Contents
This collection is composed of eighty-five diaries which detail the daily life of the Schwab family from 1902-1972. The dairies are written by several members of the Schwab family: Pearl Leora Taylor Schwab (1894-1974), Theresa Schwab (1851-1930), Clifford Schwab 1918-2001), Harley Schwab (1885-1965), and Gladys Schwab (1888-1953). Of the eighty-five diaries, ten have unknown authors.The entries appear to recall the events of the given day and each entry noted the weather...