Showing Collections: 341 - 350 of 605
Knights of Pythias Collection
The Constitution and Statutes book contained in this collection further outlines the goals and code of conduct for the Kalamazoo chapter of the K of P as well as other chapters around the country. The invitation for the May Base Ball dance is an example of the types of social activities and sub-organizations that each chapter of the K of P had. The dance was held in order to raise funds for the Kalamazoo Pythian Baseball team to build their new baseball field.
L. J. Strait Business Card
This collection features a single business card belonging to Lacelle (LaSalle) J. Strait (1861-1950) of Kalamazoo, Michigan for a Specialty Manufacturing Company ca. 1897 that manufactured tubular well brass cylinders and valves.
Lacey-Webber Company Collection
The collection is composed of photographs and signs from the Lacey-Webber Company that was located in Kalamazoo between 1939 and 1947.
Ladies' Library Association
The Kalamazoo Ladies' Library Association was the first woman's club organized in Michigan, and the third in the United States. The organization met in various places beginning in 1852 and in 1879, they began meeting in the present LLA building, when it was opened. Additional information on the LLA can be found on accompanying printed pages from the Kalamazoo Public Library.
Ladislav R. Hanka Book Arts Archive
Bound and loose prints and artist's archive, which includes sketches, proofs, exhibition booklets, reviews of shows and correspondence between Hanka and other artists, writers, galleries, publishers, etc. Some of the books associated with this archive have been cataloged separately and are searchable via Western Michigan University Libraries online catalog otherwise they appear in this finding aid.
Lakeside For Children records
This collection contains documents, ledgers, and photographs from Lakeside for Children, a residential treatment center located in Kalamazoo Michigan.
The photos are a mixture of black and white and color; and show buildings on the campus as well as staff and children who lived at Lakeside.
The material covered in the ledgers includes financial information such as monthly expenses, case update information, etc.
Lambert Machine Company Booklet
“Reaching Out” is a general informational booklet on the Lambert Machine Company. This booklet advertises the different aspects of the company, such as their nearby real estate, their products and equipment, their sales and areas of distribution, their future plans, and their financial standing.
Lawrence C. Braceland SJ Papers
Papers and research materials, including microfilms, of Father Lawrence C. Braceland, SJ, a Canadian translator and scholar of the fathers of Cistercian monasticism.
Lawton Union High School Graduation Booklet
The collection is composed of a graduation booklet from Lawton Union School for the class of 1884.
Leonidas Farm Ledger
It is not certain who the people recorded in this ledger are or to whom it belonged. C. L. Bower is probably Charles Bower. He was born in Germany in 1831 and immigrated to the US in 1867 where he worked as a Farm Laborer in Paw Paw, Michigan.