Showing Collections: 1 - 3 of 3
Bond Supply Company Collection
Identifier: RH-A-4030
Scope and Contents
The Bond Supply Company, founded by Fred J. Bond c1873-1938, began in 1912 in Kalamazoo located on the southwest corner of North Rose and Eleanor Street. In the 1912 city directory, the company stated that it was "Manufacturers and Jobbers, Plumbing, Steam, Mill Well Supplies." The Bond Supply Company, a wholesale firm, was the successor of the Quinn Manufacturing Company located at the same site which employed Fred Bond. Over the years, Bond served as Secretary and General Manager joined by...
Publication: 1913
Fuller Transmission Collection
Identifier: RH-A-3299
The collection is composed of issues of the Fuller News employee newsletters and one copy of the magazine Transmission Times both produced by the Fuller Manufacturing Company in Kalamazoo. The magazine and newsletters date from 1947 until 1961.
The Comstock Manufacturing Company Collection
Identifier: RH-A-3653
Scope and Contents
The catalogue was produced in 1895 by the Comstock Manufacturing Company in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The company was a manufacturer of automatic cut-off engines, boilers, pumps, and power transmitting machinery. The catalogue includes illustrations of its products along with their prices and information.