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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 76

Allegan County Railroad Book

 Item — Box: 1
Identifier: RH-A-4449

The collection is composed of a notebook used in Allegan County for Michigan railways around 1858.

Dates: approximately 1858

American Women's Poetry Miscellaneous Correspondence and Ephemera Collection

Identifier: 03-01-exws_awpcmisc

An assortment of individually purchased or donated correspondence and ephemera associated with American women poets or other authors.

Dates: 1865-2002; Majority of material found within Bulk 1904-1994

Archie Royer, Sr. Collection

Identifier: RH-A-4037
Scope and Contents This collection consists of 12 letters from Archie Royer, a former circus clown and Van Buren County resident, to his friend and fellow circus performer Bert Cole in New York. The collection also contains two pages of poems apparently composed by Royer, and a drawing with writing in Spanish.The letters in this collection detail Royer’s life on his farm in the 1940s. They range in date from November 1941 to July 1948. They are all addressed to Bert Cole (1875-?), a friend whom...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1869-1956

Art's Bike Shop Records

Identifier: RH-A-4402

This collection is comprised of materials from Art’s Bike Shop of Three Rivers, Michigan, from 1959 to 1981.

Dates: 1959-1981

Bert Byron Davis Collection

Identifier: RH-A-3564
Scope and Contents This collection covers the time period during B.B. Davis’ life in the Philippines in the 1930s to mid-1940s. The majority of the collection contains correspondence between B.B. Davis and his wife to family and friends living in and around Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids, MI, in particular Areta Williams Hibbard. Many of the letters were written to Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lorenzo Hibbard, the latter of whom was a sister to B.B. Davis.The letters from the 1930s give an interesting insight...
Dates: 1930-1940

Besmilr Brigham-Will Inman Correspondence Collection

Identifier: 03-01-exws_brigham-inman

The majority of this collection is correspondence between American poet Besmilr Brigham and American poet / editor Will Inman between 1977 and 1978. It also includes typescripts and proofs of Brigham's poems and short stories, as well as two photographs.

Dates: 1971-1978; bulk 1977-1978; Other: Date acquired: 1996

Betty Beeby Collection

Identifier: RH-A-213
Scope and Contents Most of the correspondence is letters to Norton Pearl, Betty Beeby, and Jane Beeby, but letters to other family members (Ethel, Myrtle, and Dorothy Pearl, etc) are included as well. In addition, the collection also consists of letters to Loran Post, the Dahne family, Henry Graves, the Waite family, and the Yunker family. The diaries belong to John W. Pearl, Norton Pearl (ranging from 1890 to1954), Alice Pearl, and Myrtle Pearl. The bulk of the photographs are from Glacier National Park and...
Dates: 1820-1970

Carol Bergé - Judson Crews Correspondence Collection

Identifier: 03-01-exws_berge-crews
Abstract Collected correspondence between authors Carol Berge (1928-2006) and Judson Crews (1917-2010) from the late 1970s and mid 1980s. Also contains a few pieces of correspondence between Berge or Crews and other artists, editors, publishers, and friends In addition to the correspondence, the collection contains drafts of both Berge's and Crews' poetry and prose and includes Berge's editor's copy of the manuscript for Crews' book The Clock of Moss. The are also manuscript...
Dates: 1978-1987

Cecil Wyman collection

Identifier: RH-A-4016

The collection contains the checks and payment records from Porter Township, done by the Township Treasurer Cecil Wyman (1885-1970) from 1922-1924.

Dates: 1922-1924

Charity Potter Collection

Identifier: RH-A-3699
Scope and Contents The letter is from Charity Potter to Emma Clarke sent on July 30th, 1909. Clarke appears to be Charity’s cousin. The letter starts with Charity telling Emma she is sorry for the loss of a close loved one, likely either Emma’s son or husband. Charity tries to give Emma advice on mourning and moving on. Later Charity describes a trip she took across the West to visit friends and family. She suggest that they meet with some other people when Emma feels up to it. Charity also mentions that...
Dates: 1909-07-30

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  • Subject: Correspondence X
  • Subject: Correspondence X
  • Subject: Correspondence X
  • Language: English X

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Western Michigan University Archives & Regional History Collections 56
Western Michigan University Special Collections 20
Correspondence 36
Personal correspondence 27
Letters 18
Authors, American -- 20th century -- Correspondence 8
Poets, American -- 20th century -- Correspondence 7
∨ more
records (documents) 7
Business correspondence 6
ledgers (account books) 6
minutes (administrative records) 6
Diaries 5
financial records 5
American poetry -- 20th century 4
Business records 4
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 4
Ephemera 4
Scrapbooks 4
Serial publications 4
Typescripts 4
black-and-white photographs 4
family papers 4
Authors -- 20th century -- Correspondence 3
Catalogs 3
Poetry 3
Poets, American -- 20th century 3
Postcards 3
Proofs (Printing) 3
Publishers and publishing 3
Small presses 3
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives 3
World War, 1914-1918 -- Personal narratives 3
newsletters 3
personal papers 3
American literature -- 20th century -- History and criticism 2
Book designers--United States 2
Books -- Reviews 2
Farm management -- Michigan -- Records and correspondence 2
Obituaries 2
Poets -- 20th century -- Correspondence 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American 2
account books 2
annual reports 2
articles 2
church records 2
manuscripts (documents) 2
membership lists 2
translations (documents) 2
Academic writing 1
Acrobats -- Michigan -- Van Buren County 1
Advertisements 1
Advertising -- Bicycle industry 1
Aeronautics -- Flights 1
Albums (Books) 1
Allegan County (Mich.) 1
American literature -- 20th century 1
American poetry -- 19th century 1
Art portfolios 1
Artists -- Michigan -- Kalamazoo 1
Authors, American -- 20th century 1
Authors, South African -- 20th century 1
Autograph albums 1
Automobiles -- Michigan -- Kalamazoo -- History 1
Bakeries -- Michigan -- Kalamazoo 1
Beer labels -- Design 1
Bibliographies 1
Bicycle industry 1
Bicycles 1
Book design--United States 1
Book industries and trade--United States--20th century 1
Book jackets 1
Bookbinding 1
Bowling alleys -- Michigan -- Kalamazoo 1
Bronson Park (Kalamazoo, Mich.) 1
Business enterprises -- Michigan -- Kalamazoo 1
Business enterprises -- Michigan -- Three Rivers 1
Calligraphy 1
Certificates 1
Chapbooks 1
Children's books -- United States 1
Children's literature -- United States 1
Children's literature, English 1
Children's periodicals 1
Circus performers -- Michigan -- Van Buren County 1
Cistercians 1
Country clubs -- Michigan -- Richland 1
English poetry -- 20th century 1
English poetry -- History and criticism 1
Etching -- 20th century 1
Etchings 1
Exhibition catalogs 1
Fairies 1
Flight training 1
Flights around the world 1
Folklore -- British Isles 1
Fountain of the Pioneers (Kalamazoo, Mich.) 1
Gay rights -- Oregon -- Portland 1
Graphic artists -- Michigan -- Kalamazoo 1
Graphic arts 1
Graphic design (Typography) 1
Historic Preservation -- Michigan -- Kalamazoo 1
+ ∧ less
French 1
Latin 1
Callan, Edward (Edward Thomas O'Dwyer), 1917-2011 3
Kalamazoo Central High School 2
Kalamazoo Post Office (Kalamazoo, Mich.) 2
Aelred, of Rievaulx, Saint, 1110-1167 1
Allegan and Marshall Railroad Company 1
∨ more
Allen, J. Adams (Jonathan Adams), 1825-1890 1
American National Bank and Trust Company of Michigan 1
Ashley family 1
Ashley, Harriet M. Holder, 1841-1922 1
Ashley, Jerome B., 1837-1906 1
Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh), 1907-1973 1
Balch, Nathaniel A. (Nathaniel Aldrich), 1808-1894 1
Barton, Edward Read 1
Beebe family 1
Beeby, Betty, 1923-2015 1
Benson, John Howard, 1901-1956 1
Bergé, Carol, 1928-2006 1
Berlin, Lucia 1
Bixby, Robert, 1952-2012 1
Black Sparrow Press 1
Blackburn, Paul 1
Blake, Trevor 1
Boardman, Ann Gilbert 1
Boardman, Gilbert S (Gilbert Simeon), 1833-1917 1
Boardman, S. (Samuel Ward) 1
Boutilier, Nancy, 1961- 1
Bower, Charles L., 1831- 1
Bowles, Jane (Bowles, Jane Auer), 1917-1973 1
Bowles, Paul, 1910-1999 1
Braceland, Lawrence C. 1
Brady, Christine 1
Briggs, Katherine Mary 1
Brigham, Besmilr 1
Bromige, David 1
Bukowski, Charles T. 1
Bunkers, Suzanne L 1
Camp Albert L. Mills (N.Y.) 1
Campau family 1
Campau, Edward J., 1916-2007 1
Campau, Elward B., 1919-1998 1
Cash, Barbara 1
Cash, Sophie, 1834-1932 1
Checker Motors Corp. (Kalamazoo, Mich.) 1
Christensen, Paul, 1943- 1
Clampitt, Amy 1
Clark, Tom (Thomas Willard), 1941- 1
Clarke, Emma W. 1
Codrescu, Andrei, 1946- 1
Cole, Bert (1875-) 1
Coleman, Wanda 1
Colony Room (Kalamazoo, Mich.) 1
Cook, Ralph, 1942-1945 1
Cooney, Seamus 1
Corman, Cid 1
Cory, Clyde Vern, 1889-1976 1
Cory, Marguerite (Molly) Bernice Bosworth, 1893-1960 1
Cossery, Albert, 1913-2008 1
Creeley, Robert, 1926-2005 1
Crews, Judson 1
Davis, Bert Byron (1880-1944) 1
Davis, Rosella Snyder (1876-1958) 1
Dawson, Fielding, 1930-2002 1
Di Prima, Diane 1
DiMarino, Jan Van Haaften 1
Dorn, Edward 1
Drake, Jane, 1826-1899 1
Dreiser, Theodore, 1871-1945 1
Dutch Treat Bakery (Kalamazoo, Mich.) 1
ETANDA Club (Kalamazoo, Mich.) 1
Eat and Dance Club (Kalamazoo, Mich.) 1
Edwards, Paul, 1950- 1
Eigner, Larry, 1927-1996 1
Enslin, Theodore 1
Episcopal Community of St. John the Baptist (Mendham, N.J.) 1
Esch, John 1
Eshleman, Clayton 1
Everson, William, 1912-1994 1
Faas, Ekbert, 1938- 1
Fante, John, 1909-1983 1
Farnsworth, James S., 1907- 1
Farnsworth, Philip M. 1
Faulkner, Myran, 1869- 1
Field, Edward, 1924- 1
Finch family 1
First Presbyterian Church (Kalamazoo, Mich.) 1
Fitch, Asa 1
Fort Custer (Mich.) 1
Francis, Lesley Lee, 1931- 1
Frank, Thaisa 1
Freeland, Jane Patricia, 1910-2004 1
Frobenius family 1
Frobenius, Frank, 1860-1928 1
Frobenius, Mary Kammerer, 1860-1943 1
Galesburg Parent-Teacher Association (Galesburg, Mich.) 1
Gernant, David 1
Gilbert, of Hoyland 1
Goodman, Paul, 1911-1972 1
Gordimer, Nadine 1
Graves, Henry S. 1
Grossinger, Richard, 1944- 1
+ ∧ less