Showing Collections: 191 - 200 of 596
Galesburg Funeral Home Ledger
Galesburg Girl Scouts Collection
The collection is composed of several materials addressed to Glowing Embers, a Girl Scout Troop of Galesburg, Michigan, ranging from the 1930 to 1971. Material includes meeting notes, reports, registration lists, badges, and other various materials.
Galesburg Grammar School Records
The collection is composed of one program dated Friday June 1st, 1894 from the Galesburg Grammar School located in Galesburg Michigan.
Galesburg High School Alumni Association Ledger
One ledger kept by the Galesburg High School Alumni Association from about 1897-1930. There are 7 alphabetical index tabs in the front that were not used for indexing, instead the accounting of dues paid to the association, and the names of the members who paid them, begin here. The ledger also contains accounting for the association with entries of cash balances and expenses. There are no markers of where one type of information ends and another begins, and sometimes they overlap.
Galesburg Knights Templar Records
Galesburg PTA Council Collection
The collection is composed of various documents relating to the Galesburg Parent-Teacher Association of Galesburg, Michigan, dating from the years 1949 to 1957. The documents include numerous annual reports, bylaws, and meeting notes. There are also various Council Committee guidelines, directories, member lists, bulletins, and articles from magazines.
Gamma Delta
Finding aids and inventories of Gamma Delta (40/24).
Garret Van Haaften
The collection is comprised of correspondence, articles, photos, and awards that involve Garret Van Haaften, dating from the late 1940’s to the 1990’s.
General Bissel Humphrey Papers
This collection is comprised of materials relating to General Bissel Humphrey (approximately 1792 – 1855). The materials in this collection are from 1855 to 1861.
The ledger in this collection was written by George S. Clark, the executor of Gen. Humphrey’s estate. The ledger begins in August of 1855 and ends in January of 1861. The payments made include mortgages on properties held by the deceased, medical bills for his wife, funeral arrangements, and payments to individuals.