Box 28
Contains 35 Results:
A propos de Fountanas Rectification , 1886
Par Henrey Corot. Published Dijon. Copy 21 of 150. Handwritten note on inside.
La Bènèdiction de la Rèvèrende Mère Gabrielle Rime, 1920
Par M. L'Abbè Marius Besson. Published in Fribourg. 15 page French Pamphlet
Rècompense Honorifique: Depart pour l'exil en 1972, 1861
Par la Ociètè Nationale d'encouragement au bein. French 16 page pamphlet
Del Tiempo a la eternidad, 1883
Dispeusto y ordenado po el actual Rdo. P. Superior. Spanish Pamphlet. Berga imprenta y liberia de Quiric Casals, Ciudad, 30.
Le Père de Gèramb, 1922
Quelques Faits nouveaux recueillis par l'Auteur de sa Vie. Trappe de n.-D. du Mont-des-Olives
(In stacks, no longer in box; 31141006502673) Mount Melleray Album
(in stacks, no longer in box) Forty-two leaves Mount Melleray Album; English illustrated pamphlet for Mount Melleray Abbey.
(now in box 12) B. M. de Trappa-Majori, "Indulgentiæ, Altaria privilegiata ac indulta apostolica quae in vigore habentur in congreg. cisterc. Reform", 1882
Ten leaves B. M. de Trappa-Majori, "Indulgentiae, Altaria privilegiata ac indulta apostolica quae in vigore habentur in congreg. cisterc. Reform" (1882); Latin pamphlet containing the liturgy for indulgences, other privileges and apostolic grants (supplement to the Kalendar pro Anno 1882).
(now in box 12) "Constitutions of the Order of Reformed Cistercians", 1911
Eighteen leaves "Constitutions of the Order of Reformed Cistercians" (Dublin: M. H. Gill & Son, Ltd, 1911); English pamphlet containing the Cistercian rule.
(Missing 06/02/22) Gerhard Uhlhorn, "IV: Die Kulturthätigfeit der Cisterzienser in Riedersachsen"
(Missing 06/02/22) Thirteen leaves Gerhard Uhlhorn, "IV: Die Kulturthätigfeit der Cisterzienser in Riedersachsen"; German chapter of a book on the cultural activities of Cistercians in Lower Saxony.
(now in box 12) Cornel Krieg, "Festpredigt zur 800 jahrigen Jubelfeier der Grundung des Cistercienserordens", 1898
Twelve leaves Cornel Krieg, "Festpredigt zur 800 jährigen Jubelfeier der Grundung des Cistercienserordens" (Breisgan: Herder'schce Berlagshandlung, 1898); German pamphlet containing a sermon given at the eight hundredth anniversary of the Cistercian Order.