Box 9
Contains 42 Results:
Engines of Faith Part One: Bad Religion, 2010
Trautmann, Eric S. (w). Don Kramer (p). Michael Babinski (i). "Justice Society of America vs. Kobra: Engines of Faith. Part One: Bad Religion." Justice Society of America vs. Kobra. (2010). DC Comics.
Volume 1, 2006
Krueger, Jim et al. (w). Braithwaite, Doug and Ross, Alex (a). "Justice: Volume 1." Justice. (2006). DC Comics.
Justice League of America
The Lightning Saga, 2008
Meltzer, Brad et al. (w). Shane Davis et al. (p). Matt Banning et al. (i). "Justice League of America: The Lightning Saga." Justice League of America. (2008). DC Comics.
Sanctuary, 2008
Burnett, Alan and McDuffie, Dwayne (w). Benes, Ed et al. (p). Hope, Sandra et al. (i). Van Sciver, Ethan (a). "Justice League of America: Sanctuary." Justice League of America. (2008). DC Comics.
Salvation Run, 2008
Sturges, Matthew et al. (w). Chen, Sean et al. (p). Wong, Walden (i). "Justice League of America: Salvation Run." Justice League of America. (2008). DC Comics.
That Was Now, This Is Then, 2008
Stern, Roger (w). John Byrne (p). Mark Farmer (i). "Justice League of America: That Was Now, This Is Then." Justice League of America. (2008). DC Comics.
The Second Coming, 2009
McDuffie, Dwayne (w). Ed Benes (a). Rob Leigh (l). "Justice League of America: The Second Coming." Justice League of America. (2009). DC Comics.
Rise and Fall, 2010
Krul, J.T. (w). Diogenes Neves et al. (p). Mike Mayhew et al. (i). "Justice League of America: Rise and Fall." Justice League of America. (2010). DC Comics.
Cold Steel, Volume One, 2005
Moeller, Chris (w and p). Jared K. Fletcher (l). "Justice League of America: Cold Steel." Justice League of America Classified. (2005). DC Comics.