Box 36
Contains 23 Results:
Week at a glance (Daily Planner), 1984-1985
A black vinyl planner 3-1/2x6-1/2 inches, with a metal spiral spine. Mostly academic notes
Weekly academic (Daily Planner), 1986-1987
A dark blue vinyl planner 3-1/4x6 inches, with gold lettering on the front cover. Mostly Academically oriented notes
Week at a glance (Daily Planner), 1987-1988
A dark blue vinyl planner 3-1/4x6 inches, with gold lettering on the front cover. Mostly Academically oriented notes
Weekly assignment book (Daily Planner), 1988-1989
A black vinyl cover with white print on the front cover. The planner is heavily filled in during the academic year. 3-3/4x6-1/2 inches
Week at a glance (Daily Planner), 1989-1990
A black vinyl cover with gold lettering, 4-1/4x6-1/4 inches, and a metal spiral spine. Filled in during the academic year
Weekly academic (Daily Planner), 1990-1991
A large dark red vinyl planner, 5-1/2x7-1/4 inches, with gold lettering. Filled in during the academic year
Weekly academic (Daily Planner), 1991-1992
A blue vinyl planner with a velcro "snap" to keep it closed in front, 3-3/4x6-1/4 inches. Thoroughly filled in with academic and personal notes
Weekly academic (Daily Planner), 1992-1993
A blue vinyl planner with white lettering, 3-1/2x6-1/4 inches. It is filled in heavily during the academic year
Week at a glance (Daily Planner), 1993-1994
A black vinyl planner, 4-1/4x6-1/4, with gold lettering on the front cover. A metal spiral spine, and moderate notes are written inside
Addresses, Telephones, no date
An address and telephone book with a red vinyl cover and gold lettering on the front. Thoroughly filled in